Update from Ken

10 Jun

Becky’s last entry, June 8, was when we drove up Route 145 and 141 on one of the listed scenic routes through Southwest Colorado from about Telluride to Grand Junction.  The photos posted, as she said, do no justice to what may be the most continuously beautiful 100 or so miles we have ever driven anywhere.

Interestingly, there was very little traffic on this well maintained 2 lane blacktop road.  We passed (either way) maybe 50 cars, a dozen trucks, and a hundred motorcycles.  (Apparently the bikers had received the word.)

If you are interested in the best way to see the photos, go back to her post and click on any one of the photos and it will expand to full screen view.  Then use the arrows on either edge of the photo to go forward, or backward.  You will get a better idea of the absolute astounding natural beauty of this area.