Colorado Western Slope – Olathe, CO

31 Jul

July 28, 2024

After a relaxing stay in Cortez,NM we were on the road again traveling 148 miles to Olathe, CO. Where is Olathe? Olathe is in the heart of the Uncompahgre Valley on the Western Slope of Colorado along U.S. Highway 50 halfway between Montrose and Delta, Colorado.

We checked into our chosen RV Park – Uncompaghre River RV Park. The owner was very nice and gave us some pointers for the area. We discovered that the community was very small without much to see or do. That’ was okay… we were able to relax and catch up on our reading.

Even though the area was not a tourist center, Olathe is the business center and shipping point for the Uncompahre Valley. Crops include vegetables, wheat, oats, onions, barley, pinto beans, potatoes, hay, apples, cherries, and peaches.  Also, Olathe Sweet Corn.

What is Olathe Sweet Corn?

A small pocket of rural Colorado has Olathe sweet corn — known for its sugary, fresh taste. The Mountain spring water and high elevation give the Olathe sweet corn an extra sugary flavor and delicate texture. So sweet!

Since living in Arizona, we look forward to Olathe Sweet Corn appearing in our grocery stores. Most times we miss out because we are traveling. This year we are in luck! We arrived in Olathe just in time for the harvest. Unfortunately, we will miss the Olathe Sweet Corn Festival August 2nd and 3rd. The festival serves free, all-you can eat roasted Olathe Sweet corn donated by theTuxedo Corn Company. That would be so awesome!

Where can we buy it?

On our first day, we located a farmers Market stand and purchased just 6 ears of corn. The next day we went directly to the Tuxedo Corn Company “shed”. We purchased a bushel (48 ears) for $17.50! We froze 2 dozen and refrigerated the rest. Yes, corn will be a staple at every meal for awhile! Ken and I both agree that Olathe Corn is the best sweet corn the have ever tasted!

BTW-Ken and I had some discussion about whether the Olathe Corn came from Olathe Kansas or Olathe Colorado. The answer is Olathe, Colorado.