2018 Summer Adventure

3 Jun

How long has it been since Becky & Ken went on a “summer adventure”?  The summer of 2015 was the last time we packed up our RV and meandered around the country.  We managed to do some smaller trips during … Read More »

Quartzite, AZ 2017

8 Feb

Quartzite AZ , is a small, dusty, desert town located in western AZ,  20 miles east of the Colorado River.  In January and February a transformation occurs…RV’s come…hundreds and thousands! As far as one can see, the desert becomes populated with … Read More »

April 7, 2017

11 Apr

Departure 10:00 AM Temp – 66 Degrees Sunny Last night, the campground was quiet and Ken was able to sleep, but it was too quiet for me. I guess I like the semi truck noise! Before returning  to I-10 for the day, we drove … Read More »

April 6, 2017

11 Apr

Departure 10:47 AM Temp – 64 degrees Sunny I was wrong about not being able to sleep well on the first night of travel! One of us slept great with the constant hum of semi trucks on the highway. Unfortunately, it … Read More »

April 5, 2017

11 Apr

It was a beautiful sunny day, at 9;40 AM,  when we pulled away from our Tempe, AZ home. It was the earliest trip departure for us in several years…Early in the season and early in the day! One of the great … Read More »