Amarillo to Bowie Texas

10 Jun

June 7, 2015 We got a late start this morning…10:40 AM!  I think that might be a record! Our route was Highway 287 traveling on a bumpy road through flat farmlands and oil fields.  We planned to stop in Wichita Falls but … Read More »

Amarillo – Day 2

10 Jun

June 6, 2015 Originally, we planned to stay in Amarillo only one night, but, changed our minds after talking to some of the other RV’ers. We met several nice couples; Floridians, Canadians, British. Some of them were staying one week … Read More »

Taos to Amarillo

10 Jun

June 5, 2015 It was a cool 64 degrees when we left Taos and headed back to Santa Fe. The high mountain road was too curvy for our motor home, so we backtracked to Santa Fe to pick up I-40 … Read More »

Santa Fe to Taos

10 Jun

June 4, 2015 We left Santa Fe and drove the scenic drive to Taos. It was so much more fun to drive on country roads to get the flavor of the area. We drove along the Rio Grande River and … Read More »

Albuquerque to Santa Fe

10 Jun

June 3, 2015 We left Albuquerque in the mid morning and drove to Santa Fe. In was a beautiful morning, Sunny and 77 degrees. In Santa Fe we checked into the Santa Fe Skies RV Resort. We had hoped to … Read More »