
21 Sep

  We have been moving slowly north towards our destination over the last two days. We stopped at the Shady Acres RV Park in Green River, UT and Highline Trail RV Park in Boulder, WY. It was sunny and 55 … Read More »


16 Sep

September 15, 2016 We left Bluff, UT around 10 AM, with our reservations on the books for the next few days. It was another beautiful, clear blue sky day. The Utah landscape and scenery was so beautiful! [foogallery id=”2224″] Continuing … Read More »

2016 Fall Adventure

15 Sep

September 14, 2016 Starting a travel adventure in the Fall is something a little different for us. While we have certainly traveled in the fall, we are usually ending our trip…not beginning. Why would we wait until the AZ temps … Read More »