Road Conditions…

4 Aug

August 4, 2019 We have been hearing from other travelers, about the bad road conditions after crossing the US border.  We really weren’t sure what to expect! As it turned out we had a fairly easy drive. As Ken kept … Read More »

Haines, AK to Beaver Creek

4 Aug

August 2, 2019 Before leaving the Oceanside RV Park, I took a walk down to the harbor.  It was a beautiful morning to look at the boats docked in the marina. There were no cruise ships today, so, the harbor … Read More »

Eagles, Bears, Glaciers

1 Aug

Haines, AK Day 20 July 29, 2019 ( For best viewing of photos, click on photo to begin slideshow) On Monday, July 29, we woke up to another cloudy and foggy day.   We were hoping for a beautiful day … Read More »

Alaska Highway Journey Continues

31 Jul

Days 17-18 July 26-27,2019 We left Nugget City and the Baby Nugget RV Park on July 26 and began driving towards Whitehorse YT, continuing our journey along the Alaska Highway.    During the last few days we have made stops … Read More »